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70. Geometric Occupancy and Oxidation State Requirements of Cations in Cobalt Oxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 12525−12534
2019-02-08 14:11  

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b00481

Jing Liu,†,+ Hongliang Bao,&,+ Bingsen Zhang, Qingfeng Hua, Mingfeng Shang,&  Jianqiang Wang,*,&; Luhua Jiang*,

ABSTRACTCobalt oxides, including spinel Co3O4 and rock-salt CoO, have been widely reported as promising catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). However, three types of cobalt ions, i.e., Co2+ in the tetrahedral site (Co2+Td), Co3+ in the octahedral site (Co3+Oh) and Co2+ in the octahedral site (Co2+Oh), are included in these oxides, and the roles of cobalt geometric occupancy and valance states have remained elusive. Here, for the first time, we investigated the effects of cobalt geometric occupancy on the ORR activity by substituting Co2+Td and Co3+Oh of Co3O4 with inactive Zn2+ and Al3+, respectively. The ORR activity decreases in the order of Co3O4 (Co3+Oh, Co2+Th) < ZnCo2O4 (Co3+Oh) << CoAl2O4 (Co2+Th) in accordance of the ORR overpotentials at the current density of 0.1 mA cm-2Ox. Furthermore, by comparatively investigating the activity and stability of Co3O4 (Co3+Oh) and CoO (Co2+Oh) nanoparticles, by virtue of the electrochemical technique, the high-resolution TEM and the in-operando fuel cell - X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques, it was revealed that Co2+Oh in CoO is the main active sites, which under electrochemical conditions tends to transform into Co3+Oh and forms Co3O4 with hollow structure due to the Kirkendall effect; nevertheless, remains decent ORR activity due to the formation of the unique hollow structure.

KEYWORDS: cobalt oxide; oxygen reduction reaction; geometric occupancy; valance state; octahedral coordination


姜鲁华 教授



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