




姜鲁华 教授



     能源短缺和环境污染是当今世界面临的两大难题,研究团队围绕洁净高效新型电能源技术,聚焦电能源相关的纳米材料和电催化应用基础研究。团队已发表SCI收录论文近200篇,申请发明专利80余件。纳米材料与电催化团队负责人姜鲁华教授连续多年入选Elsevier 能源领域/材料领域“中国高被引学者”和“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单。主持科技部、国家基金委、山东省科技厅等省部级以上项目20余项。研究成果曾获国家自然科学二等奖、辽宁省自然科学一等奖、国防技术发明二等奖、大连市技术发明一等奖、山东省自然科学学术创新奖等多个奖项。团队教师兼任 Chemical Engineering JournalNano Materials ScineceJournal of Electrochemistry 等多个期刊的编委/编辑。团队多名研究生获得国家奖学金和各类奖助学金以及研究生创新研究计划支持,培养的本科生多人获得大学生创新研究计划支持。


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76. High performance of Co–P/NF electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2019, 235, 121772
    Zunhang Lv, Yue Zhang, Kaihang Wang, Tianpeng Yu, Xin Liu, Guixue Wang, Guangwen Xie *, Luhua Jiang **[详细]
75. Carbon-Supported Divacancy-Anchored Platinum Single-Atom Electrocatalysts with Superhigh Pt Utilization for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, A
    Carbon-Supported Divacancy-Anchored Platinum Single-Atom Electrocatalysts with Super high Pt Utilization for the Oxygen Reduction ReactionJing Liu+, Menggai Jiao+, Bingbao Mei+, Yuxin Tong+, Yuping Li, Mingbo Ruan, Ping Song,Gongquan Sun, Luhua Jiang, Ying Wang, Zheng Jiang, Lin Gu, Zhen Zhou,* and Weilin Xu*Abstract: Maximizing the platinum utilization in electrocatalysts toward oxygen reducti...[详细]
74. Facile Synthesis of Nanoporous Ni-Fe-P Bifunctional Catalysts with High performance for Overall Water Splitting, Journal of Materials Chemis
    Facile Synthesis of Nanoporous Ni-Fe-P Bifunctional Catalysts with High performance for Overall Water SplittingKaihang Wang, Kaili Sun, Tianpeng Yu, Xin Liu, GuiXue Wang, Luhua Jiang and Guangwen Xie*Amorphous materials have been extensively studied in the field of catalysis due to their unique properties. Herein, we report a nanoporous and amorphous Ni–Fe–P array on Ni foam, which acts as a ...[详细]
73. High-performance Fe-Co-P alloy catalysts by electroless deposition for overall water splitting, international journal of hydrogen energy, 20
    High-performance Fe-Coe-P alloy catalysts by electroless deposition for overall water splitting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Kaili Sun, Kaihang Wang, Tianpeng Yu, Xin Liu, Guixue Wang,Luhua Jiang, Yuyu Bu,**, Guangwen Xie,*Keywords: Fe-Co-P alloy ,Electrocatalysis Water ,overall splitting Large-scaleAbstractAt present, it is difficult for electrocatalytic electrode materials with h...[详细]
72. Three-dimensional assembly of iron phosphide nanosheets: novel synthesis and enhanced catalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction, Ch
    Three-dimensional assembly of iron phosphide nanosheets: novel synthesis and enhanced catalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reactionMin Wang, [a] Rupeng Zhao, [a] Xingyun Li, [b] Xiusong Zhao, [b] [c] and Luhua Jiang*[a] [a]    Nanomaterial and Electrocatalysis Laboratory, College of Materials Science & Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, 53 Zhengzhou Road, Qingdao 2660...[详细]
70. Geometric Occupancy and Oxidation State Requirements of Cations in Cobalt Oxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,ACS Applied Materials & Inter
    Jing Liu,†,+ Hongliang Bao,&,+ Bingsen Zhang,‡ Qingfeng Hua,† Mingfeng Shang,&  Jianqiang Wang,*,&; Luhua Jiang*(pdf下载)[详细]
68. Synthesis and Properties of Ni-doped Goethite and Ni-doped Hematite Nanorods. Croat. Chem. Acta, 2018, 91(3), 389–401
    Synthesis and Properties of Ni-doped Goethite and Ni-doped Hematite NanorodsS. Krehula a, *, M. Risti_c a, C. Wu b, e, X. Li b, d, e, L. Jiang b, c, J.Wang b, d, G. Sun b, T. Zhang d, e, M. Perovi_c f, M. Bo_skovi_c f, B. Anti_c f, L. Kratofil Krehula g, B. Kobzi h, S. Kubuki h, S. Musi_c aa Division of Materials Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensing Devices, RuC...[详细]
67. Influence of Fe(III) doping on the crystal structure and properties of hydrothermally prepared b-Ni(OH)2 nanostructures, J Alloy Compound, 2
    Influence of Fe(III) doping on the crystal structure and properties of hydrothermally prepared β-Ni(OH)2 nanostructuresS. Krehula a, *, M. Risti_c a, C. Wu b, e, X. Li b, d, e, L. Jiang b, c, J.Wang b, d, G. Sun b, T. Zhang d, e, M. Perovi_c f, M. Bo_skovi_c f, B. Anti_c f, L. Kratofil Krehula g, B. Kobzi h, S. Kubuki h, S. Musi_c aa Division of Materials Chemistry and Center of Excellence for...[详细]
66. Neural Network Inspired Design of Highly Active and Durable N-doped Carbon Interconnected Molybdenum Phosphide for Hydrogen Evolution Reacti
    Neural Network Inspired Design of Highly Active and Durable N-doped Carbon Interconnected Molybdenum Phosphide for Hydrogen Evolution ReactionZhiyan Guo,† Ping Liu,† Jing Liu, Fanglin Du, Luhua Jiang* Nanomaterial & Electrocatalysis Laboratory, College of Materials Science & Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Qingdao, 266042, P.R. China †These authors contribute equally...[详细]
65. Pt0.61Ni/C for High Efficient Cathode of Fuel Cells With Super-High Platinum Utilization, J. Phys. Chem. C,2018, 122, 14691−14697
    ​Jing Liu, Yuping Li, Zhemin Wu, Mingbo Ruan, Ping Song, Luhua Jiang, Yong Wang, Gongquan Sun, and Weilin Xu*, Pt0.61Ni/C for High Efficient Cathode of Fuel Cells With Super-High Platinum Utilization, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122, 14691−14697 [详细]
64. Electrostatic self-assembly of Pt nanoparticles on hexagonal tungsten oxide as an active CO-tolerant hydrogen oxidation electrocatalyst, Int
    Abstract: Developing CO-tolerant electrocatalysts is of great importance for the practical use of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) fed with reforming hydrogen. Transitional metal oxides are a class of promising components to (i) alleviate the CO adsorption on Pt and (ii) provide as a stabilized support for Pt nanoparticles. Herein, we for the first time adopted an electrostatic asse...[详细]
59. An Exceptionally Facile Synthesis of Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrodes for Zinc-Oxygen Batteries, ChemElectroChem, 2017
     An Exceptionally Facile Synthesis of Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrodes for Zinc-Oxygen Batteries, ChemElectroChem, 201[详细]